AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > MyViewApp Attributes > Navigation Namespace Attributes
Navigation Namespace Attributes

Use attributes in the Navigation namespace to build navigation capabilities. These calls operate only on the current navigation item in the runtime application.

Attribute Name Description Data
Read/ Write
Current Returns the name of the current internal name of the item. Should never be empty. string R/W

Returns the friendly name of the current item. If the friendly name is empty, returns the Current (internal name) value.

When set, the incoming value is validated to see if a navigation item with the given friendly name or the internal name exists in the Navigation Model. The search traverses all children of the current navigation item and if not found, moves to the parent navigation item and searches all child items (ignoring the node where the search started) until the item is found or the root node is reached.

If the navigation item is found, the system sets the value; otherwise the set fails. When the set fails, the previous value of CurrentTitle is retained. A successful set moves the navigation item to a new value and automatically updates other attributes such as Parent, NextSibling, PrevSibling, Current, CurrentAsset, etc.

string Read

Returns the fully qualified name of the current navigation item using the “Title” string to form the path, for example, “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”).

When set, the incoming value is validated to see if the Navigation Item with the fully qualified path exists in the Navigation Model. If the Navigation Item is found, then the system sets the value; if not, the set fails. When the set fails, the previous value of Current is retained.

A successful set moves the navigation item to a new value and automatically updates other attributes such as Parent, NextSibling, PrevSibling, Current, CurrentAsset, etc.

string R/W

Returns the name of the current asset if the current navigation item is an asset.

When set, the incoming value is validated to see if an asset with the given name exists in the navigation model. The search traverses all children of the current navigation item and if not found, moves to the parent navigation item searches all child items (ignoring the node where the search started), until the item is found or the root node is reached.

If an asset with given name exists, then the system sets the value; otherwise the set will fail. When the set fails, the previous value of the CurrentAsset is retained.

A successful set moves the navigation item to a new value and automatically updates other attributes such as Parent, NextSibling, PrevSibling, Current, CurrentAsset, etc.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty.

string R/W

Returns the user friendly name of the current asset. Returns “CurrentAsset” if empty.

When set, the incoming value is validated to see if an asset with the given friendly or internal name exists in the Navigation Model. The search traverses all children of the current navigation item and if not found, moves to the parent navigation item and search all child items (ignoring the node where the search started), until the item is found or the root node is reached. If a navigation item exists, the system sets the value; otherwise the set fails. When the set fails, the previous value of CurrentAsset is retained.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value returns empty.

string Read
CurrentAssetPath Returns the fully qualified name of the current asset using the “Title” strings to form the path. (e.g., “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”). If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value returns empty. string Read

Returns the name of the current asset’s area if the CurrentAsset is valid .

When set, the incoming value is validated to see if an area with the given name exists in the navigation model. The search for the area traverses through all children of the current navigation item and if not found, moves to the parent navigation item and searches all the child items (ignoring the node where the search started) until the item is found or the root node is reached.

If an area with the given name is found, the system sets the value; otherwise the set fails. When the set fails, the previous value of the CurrentArea is retained.

A successful set moves the navigation item to a new value and automatically updates other attributes such as Parent, NextSibling, PrevSibling, Current, CurrentAsset, etc.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty.

string R/W

Returns the user friendly name of the current asset’s area, or returns “CurrentArea” if CurrentAreaTitle is empty.

When set, the incoming value is validated to see if an Asset with the given friendly name or internal name exists in the navigation model. If a navigation item is found, the system sets the value; otherwise the set fails. When the set fails, the previous value of CurrentArea is retained.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty.

string Read

Returns the fully qualified name of the current area item using the “Title” strings to form the path, e.g., “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”), or returns empty if the current asset is empty.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty.

string Read

Returns the name of the current asset’s Root area, if CurrentAsset is valid. The Root area is the area at the root of the Model Hierarchy (not the navigation hierarchy) that contains the CurrentAsset. This value is populated even if the Root area note is not contained in the navigation model.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty.

string Read

Returns the user friendly name of the current asset’s Root area. If the root area is not part of the navigation model, this value is empty.

If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty.

string Read
CurrentRootAreaPath Returns the fully qualified name of the current root area item using the “Title” strings to form the path (e.g., “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”). Returns empty if the root area is not part of the Navigation Model. If the current navigation item is not from the asset hierarchy, this value is empty. string Read
Root Returns the internal name of the root item in the current navigation hierarchy. string Read
RootTitle Returns the friendly name of the root item in the current navigation hierarchy. If the RootTitle is empty, returns the “Root” value. string Read
RootPath Returns the fully qualified path of the root item using the “Title” strings to form the path, e.g., “\\<RootName>”. string Read
Parent Returns the internal name of the parent item in the current navigation hierarchy. If there is no parent, returns empty. string Read
ParentTitle Returns the friendly name of the parent item in the current navigation hierarchy. If the ParentTitle is empty, returns the “Root” value. string Read

Returns the fully qualified path of the Parent item using the “Title” strings to form the path, e.g., “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”). If there is no parent, returns empty.

string Read
PrevSibling Returns the internal name of the previous sibling item in the current navigation hierarchy. If there is no previous sibling, returns empty. string Read
PrevSiblingCount Returns the number of previous sibling items remaining in the current navigation hierarchy.  integer Read
PrevSiblingTitle Returns the friendly name of the previous sibling item in the current navigation hierarchy. If the Title property of the previous sibling is empty, returns the “PrevSibling” value. string Read

Returns the fully qualified path of the previous sibling item using the “Title” strings to form the path, e.g., “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”). If there is no previous sibling, returns empty.

string Read
NextSibling Returns the internal name of the next sibling item in the current navigation hierarchy. If there is no next sibling, returns empty. string Read
NextSiblingCount Returns the number of next sibling items remaining in the current navigation hierarchy. integer Read
NextSiblingTitle Returns the friendly name of the next sibling item in the current navigation hierarchy. If the Title property of the next sibling is empty, returns the “NextSibling” value. string Read

Returns the fully qualified path of the previous sibling using the “Title” strings to form the path, e.g., “\\<RootName>\<NodeName>”). If there is no next sibling, returns empty.

string Read
FirstChild Returns the internal name of the first child item in the current navigation hierarchy. If there is no first child, returns empty. string Read
ChildCount Returns the number of child items in the current navigation hierarchy. integer Read
FirstChildPath Returns the fully qualified path of the first child, using the “Title” strings to form the path, for example, “\\<rootname>\<nodename>”. If there is no first child, returns empty. string Read 
FirstChildTitle Returns the friendly name of the first child of the current navigation item. If there is no first child the string is empty. string Read