AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > Getting Started > Getting Around the SDK
Getting Around the SDK

When you install the System Platform IDE, also known as the ArchestrA IDE, the SDK is added at the following default location:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\AcfSdk

The SDK contains four subfolders:

  • Includes: Contains a logger (Logger.cs). You can add the logger as a reference, which is a shared class, to assist in development and debugging. Use it to log messages, for custom tracing, etc. See Add a Link to the Logger for instructions about adding the logger to troubleshoot your app.

    To add the logger:

    1. In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, select your app.
    2. Right-click and select Add > Existing Item (or press Shift + Alt + A).
    3. Navigate to the AcfSdk\Includes folder.
    4. Select the Logger.cs file.
    5. Click the down arrow () on the Add button.
    6. Click Add As Link.
  • Libs: Contains the assembly DLLs of the component SDKs. These are:
  • ArchestrA.ClientAppConfig.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.CommonCore.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.CommonUtil.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.Navigation.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.NumericFormatter.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.ProcessControls.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.RuntimeData.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.ViewApp.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.WebControls.dll
  • Samples: Contains sample apps that you can extract code from for your own custom apps. A solution file (SDKSamples.sln) is also provided to enable editing in Visual Studio 2013. The sample apps are also available in the System Platform IDE, in the Graphic Toolbox (Default Content > 4. Apps > AVEVA OMI Apps).
  • ContentPresenterApp
  • GraphicRepeaterApp
  • HamburgerApp
  • NavBreadcrumb
  • NavCommon
  • NavTree
  • RuntimeDataViewerApp
  • TitleBarApp
  • WebBrowserApp
  • SharedLibs: Contains third-party and open-source assemblies used for UI elements in the AVEVA OMI Apps that are included with Application Server. These are:
  • ActiproSoftware.Docking.Wpf.dll
  • ActiproSoftware.Shared.Wpf.dll
  • ArchestrA.Diagnostics.LoggerClient.dll
  • MaterialDesignColors.dll
  • MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.dll
  • System.Windows.Interactivity.dll
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Data.dll
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll
  • Telerik.Windows.Data.dll


See Also

API References

Creating Your First OMI Application