AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > Component SDKs
Component SDKs

The component SDK assemblies reside under the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\AcfSdk\Libs.

  • ArchestrA.Client.AppConfig.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.CommonCore.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.CommonUtil.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.Navigation.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.ProcessControls.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.RuntimeData.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.ViewApp.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.WebControls.dll
  • ArchestrA.Client.NumericFormatter.dll
Assemby/SDK Name Basics of Using the Assembly Additional Information
AppConfig SDK Using the AppConfig SDK EditorActivityViewModelBase Class
    IEditor Interface
    AppConfig Sample Class
CommonCore SDK    
CommonUtil SDK    
Navigation SDK Using the Navigation SDK  
ProcessControl SDK Using the Graphic Control API Navigation Hierarchy API
RunTimeData SDK Using the RunTimeData SDK Read and Write Status
    Subscribe to References
    Value, Timestamp, Quality and Status
  Language Namespace Using the Language Namespace
    Interface Methods
    Structures, Classes, and Enumerations
  ViewApp Attributes  
ViewApp SDK Using the ViewApp SDK  ShowContent API
WebControls SDK    
NumericFormatter SDK    


See Also

API References